Friday, March 25, 2011

Pablo Amira

Yeah I know another who, in this metalism thing. Well while I had never heard of him before, I'm certainly aware of him today. Seems as thought he's had a recent beef with one Docc Hilford over a deal that Docc's offers on his website problem was poor Pablo didn't realize it was ebooks he was buying and instead of asking questions, asked for a refund. That wouldn't have been bad, except that he had already gotten the ebooks. So in essence he stole them from Docc since he got the books and the money back.

If that was all this punk did it would be enough to condemn him, but the guy was on a personal crusade to black ball one Jose Prager, from entering into the mentalism market by using, slanderous lies. He has since changed his tune, but the damage had already been done. This is a common theme with this flip flopping dweeb, that he just can't seem to make up his mind about anything? In one popular forum, he says paraphrase "I'm not going to participate anymore in this forum" then comes back when he has something to sell. He Says paraphrase "Jose Prager's products should be avoided because he dosn't respect creators" and then says "Ethically speaking you should do it if your feel it. If you came up with your presentation and method in an independent way, I don't find necessary to asks permissions. If you publish your idea and you know about that similar idea, is better to give references for further study." What a confused mind he has.

And finally this so called mentalist, is on some sort of mission to help Japan. Now in and of itself this isn't a bad thing, but when we consider that he isn't doing anything for the victims of Pearl Harbor I think it speaks volumes about him as a person. Sure lets help those who killed innocent men and women in Hawaii, but to those familys that greve so from the lose of there fathers and mothers lets do nothing. I think it somewhat hypocritical and counter U.S. sentiments.

On a personal note my father was killed at Pearl Harbor and I find it in extremely bad taste to care so much for those who are responsible for his death, without some acknowledgment of the brave who fought for this country. On that note, I'll leave you to consider this when thinking about Pablo, and when wanting to buy his EBOOKS. Yeah that's right the same thing he complained about buying from Docc Hilford is what this punk sells himself.

As always the opinions expressed in the blog are my own and to be taken as entertainment. Till next time.