Thursday, March 24, 2011

More On The Billet Switch.

What is the billet switch? Your first question should be what's a billet? A billet is a small piece of paper. That's it. The size is about that of a small post-it note and in fact post-its are often used as billets in effects. Another thing used is 3x5 index cards such as those used by the good Dr. that are cut in half making two pieces 3 x 2 1/2. These are folded in quarters. In total you have 3 at least for the name place or remote viewing trick that Mr. master mind-reader does.

To prepare you put 2 of the above billets in your right pocket with 2 pencils. In you left pocket you have the 3rd billet along with a white disposable lighter. You hand out the two pieces of paper to two spectators along with the pencils and ask one person to write the name of a famous person. The other is write the name of a place. (in the remote viewing version it's place place). The papers are mixed by one of the participants and one is handed to the performer for burning. He (the performer) while removing the lighter from his pocket also
brings out the "dummy billet" finger palmed. Then in the act of transferring the lighter from one hand to the other, switches the dummy for the actual billet with the writing on it. This is called the lighter switch and was invented by Richard Osterlind who wasn't credited with it by the Bobster. (SHAMEFUL) Ok so when the perform goes into his pocket for the lighter he leaves the slip with the written information on in there with some other slips which he will bring out after burning the dummy. Now after the dummy burns the performer reaches into the pocket where he dumped the one with the writing and withdraws it with the other slips as if all he has are blank pieces of paper. The mentalist instructs the spectator holding the other billet to concentrate on what she's holding while he mimes writing on one of the blank pieces. In reality he's looking right at what one of them wrote. Here begins to tell the person about what they wrote acting as if this is whats in the participants hand but in fact is detailing what he has seen. At this point he takes the slip being held by the spectator to "verify" that he's right miscalling it and memorizing what it says for the second reveal to come. He then tosses the paper away as if it's of no importance only to then revel the second word.

This may all seem confusing but if you watch these youtube videos, it will all make sense. or The point is there is no special powers at work just good  old fashioned chicanery.

That's all for now. Remember these are all just my opinions and for entertainment proposes.