Thursday, March 31, 2011

Iain Dunford

At this point you have to be wondering, is this guy just making these names up?  Well I can assure you  this is a real person. Well he's another so called mentalism writer, like that guy Pablo only  this guy is from England instead of Mexico or wherever Amira is from.  He recently let me know about a site that mimics this one called "the sh*t-list". I'm not really sure what the site is about except that it talks of a Jdmagic and one David Samaria. Now I don't know who these people are so I Googled the name and came up with this,

Why in Gods name would somebody want to cast dispersions on a man of the cloth, is beyond me? So I started looking more into the Iain person and found that basically he trolls forums all day and every so often puts out an ebook he tries to sell as something worth wild, but isn't often received very well.

His books have names like, The Hateful Page Book Test, The Games People Play, and The Beautiful Lie. With names like those it's no wonder he would try hurting a man of God as he does with that blog. I'm not even going to comment on the content of books as it's just not worth my time or yours in my opinion. Anyway back to his trolling ways, on one popular forum when you pull up his most recent posts, all that comes up is his insistent complaining of others and their posts. He adds nothing to the content of discussions, and tries to
play cop or something?  You can see for yourself here:

He seems like a person who was ignored as a child so I'll guess he has some siblings that really out did him in life, and he is always living in their shadows. If not, it's he himself who finds his existence so loathful and spends most of his time wishing he would have done things different. I feel sorry for the guy, but not so sorry that he will escape his own actions. To undermine a religious person because your mad at somebody, seems quite reprehensible?

In my opinion Iain Dunford needs to get a life and concentrate more on himself, than others. When you have as many problems as this guy does, in my opinion it would be better if he got help, rather than fumbling around all day on his computer. I think it very sad, to not have as much a life as the rest of us, and wish him well.

These are my opinions. They are strictly my own, and are meant to be for entertainment proposes only.