Bob Cassidy, aka Robert E. Cassidy, aka Dr. Bob, aka Dr. Crow and self proclaimed "master mindreader" is today's topic of this discussion. This is one of those big names I spoke of in my first post. He is most noted for his work in "Mental Mysteries" His most famous of videos. I really don't understand why, as it is in essence just two different billet switches that he uses. He also does some thing with a pocket calendar and some cards that is ok but old and becoming dull. We get it Bob a card at a date fine wonderful, now get some new material. So where to start with this one? Well if you Google his name you will pull up page after page of his self serving promotions. You may even get to sample his work from the various torrent sites that choose to host his work. Now while I'm against piracy, since much of his work is just knock offs of others, it may be good reason to download a ebook or two? But lets first analyze the good Dr. and his handles. First off where did he get those degrees that allows you to use Dr. in front of your name? Or where did he get this so called "master" designation? To my knowledge they are all self imposed? This is an insult to anybody who has actually worked for a degree, and something in my opinion he should immediately stop using. Although not that egregious an offense, but it seems as though the good Dr. has let his own hype go to his head. You see the man is on some kind of crusade to bring back an old form of mentalism that doesn't really work for today's modern audiences. He advocates mentalist performing as "real" even though he himself has used a disclaimer. "mentalism as we call my art is a psychological persuasive technique that comes close to looking
like real mindreading" He goes on to say on his mental miracles video that, "in fact I'm using sound scientific techniques and psychological principals to create that very illusion" But here Bob rants about how there's no more real mindreaders? The happens at 2:48 of this video /watch?v=DWopGsFLtgQ but even on this video at 1:02 he uses a disclaimer.
So what's my beef? Well I'm tired of this guy thinking he's the ultimate authority of all that is magic and mentalism. We took no vote. Had no meeting. And never asked this guy to be our moral compass, ethical leader or our creative consultant. We don't need at least in my opinion to have a self serving egotist, stand as the beginning and end of all that is our art. More important, to beckon us to be "real", perpetuates those who would use our art to foster an irrational belief in psychic anything performed by fakes, such as we are. in other words he advises that we should perform in a manner that gives credence to our own powers as if they
came from some divine being to bilk the public out of their hard earned money. This is just unacceptable.
Another thing about this guy is he belongs to a public forum where he expounds all kinds of passive aggressive nonsense, in an attempt to sway public opinion to his causes. I'm posting this to counter his unchallenged nonsense and to shed light on his hypocritical ways. Most recently he has engaged in a witch hunt to out and crucify one James Clark. Mr. Clark is not only someone who has fought for the rights Bob enjoys but is also a humanitarian that gives to those less fortunate. He has acted during crisis helping in Haiti during there most
recent problems. Mr. Clark has decided that the the so called "old boy network" needs to be stopped. That creators and distributors don't need permission from people like Bob to do business in this country. He (Mr. Clark) has decided to "take back" the industry from these no it all ideologues, by offering his own version of some effects in an attempt to better the industry. Another thing Mr. Clark ha done is to shed light on how supporters of some so called creators is in fact also supporting convicted substantiated pedophiles. Look here for the proof,
Scroll down to Kevin Curtan. Is this the kind of guy Cassidy is defending? What's wrong with him?
Bob likes to taught his being one of the founding members of the PEA (Psychic entertainers Association) an a past president of the same club. But who cares? Like any other club, they carry no power and are of no relevance to anyone but those who are and would be members. Personally, I don't want to be part of a club whose past president is a supporter of criminals. That's another thing abut Bob, he has admitted to cocaine use and pot smoking. He makes references To such in that same open forum, which is frequented by adolescents, talking about these activities as if there's some kind of honor in them. It disgusts me. In my opinion this guy needs to check himself before standing in judgment of others and remember that he who lives in a glass house, shouldn't throw stones.
Well I guess that's all for this installment but I'll be back to peel back the vail covering
this our performing art. Remember the views I express in this blog are my opinions and should be looked at for there entertainment values only. Thanks!