Friday, April 1, 2011


So Iain says he started the other site because he is standing for truth, justice and the American way. But what he doesn't say, is that he doesn't know the person he is degrading at all, or even if that person David Samaria really exists?  Fact of the matter is anybody can say they are anybody on the internet. Poor Iain can't conceive that one may have adopted a persona, to protect ones true identity. Now I don't think this jdmagic guy is any superman, but I have met a few Clark Kents online, and I know first hand how easy it is to be someone else. Iain however can't hide his true identity as a lonely loser with no life or hope for one. He continues his trolling ways with a chip on his shoulder, probably from carrying around all his books he can't seem to sell? Whatever the guys problem? I do see him stopping soon, and taking down such a vulgar site, that is doing so much to hurt this man;

So the fire will stay fueled and since it's due to Bob Cassidy sharing information he was given in private emails, things will stay the same.

But enough about those people who to me, are just insignificant. I want to tell you, my readers, about some upcoming posts. One will deal that out of date diary test I spoke of in another post. Another will not only review a seance work given to me by the good Dr. but will also explain some of it's effects. These are just some of what's coming up in April, check back soon for all the latest and greatest news, gossip and what ever else I can find for your entertainment. Till next time. Good thoughts.