Friday, April 8, 2011

More Controversy.

Well it seems The Unknown Mentalist can't stay out of controversy, and why would I want to? Seems the video I posted yesterday, is half the story of a feud going on between the performer in that video Shawn Farquhar and Russ Stevens. The facts of whats going on seem to boil down to the use of Stings music in a card act. Stevens seems to think that because Farquhar used it for the posted card act after seeing an act that he (Stevens) did in some way makes him a hack? Farquhar seems to feel as though he needs to defend himself from this accusation? That seem to be what the feud is all about, and what is being talked about in online forums all over the place. Here is one place you can read about it; 

Then the conversation seems to be continued here;

I've looked at both sides, and I just don't see an issue? It's like two dancers using the same music, both do their thing to the same music. So what? It's music and so long as they have the right from sting to use it, whats the problem? Even if they didn't have the right to use it, how is that anybodies business except Stings? Just one more example of how magicians/mentalists will make mountains out of molehills. Till next time, good thoughts.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And Now 4 Something Completely Different # 2

Now I'm not a card guy, but this is one of the nicest things I've seen in magic ever! I hope you like it as much as I?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seance Review

OK Seance by BobC is a 25 page ebook that sells for $47 and can be bought at this link;

The work is bundled with another tome originally published in 1907 called "Behind the Scenes With the Mediums"

You also get, a ticket to a teleseminar blah blah blah. If you want to know more just go to the site. The only thing I'm interested in is the seance work and so that will be the only thing I review.

The first 3 pages are the cover, copyright notice, and some quotes by Jung and others. Page 4 is the introduction. Page 5 begins with conducting a seance.  Here we are encouraged to have our theatrical performance look as much like, what the public is used to as we can. The underlined psychology being that if it looks right, well then it is right. I sort of agree, but what does a seance look like? We are told that it compares with whats on TV ghost hunter shows, but I don't think so? I think it's more the Victorian round table type act that we are familiar with. Not that big of a deal so far, but lets go further. 

On page 7 we are told that the first rule of a good seance is, the atmosphere. OK that seems to go without saying, but I guess we're all to stupid to know that? I would guess that anyone wanting to do this kind of thing, would have studied some bizarre magic, and have already learned that, atmosphere is everything? But again, not that big of a deal. Perhaps he's just assuming that anyone buying this is oblivious, to the other works on the subject, and is why he seems to have a need to tell us the obvious.

He then goes on for a few pages telling us about different types of seances and methods of cold readings. Now I personally am against using cold readings in acts which seem to contact those who have passed. I think it unethical and downright criminal, but that's just my opinion. I do respect those who believe in a past life and their belief that contact is possible. This may seem like a contradiction, but it's not. What I believe is right for me, and may not be what's right for others, so I can respect others and their beliefs .This is something many in the magic community can't do, and is what leads to much of the bickering that goes on between them in public chat rooms and forums. But I digress.

We start getting to the effects around page 11 Bob starts with and effect from the Jinx called "The Goblet of Endehall". This is indeed a good effect and one I suggest you look up in the Jinx, no need to buy this ebook for it. The so called master then goes on to describe the EVP seance. This happens around page 12, so we are half way through the book before we even begin to start getting something original, or do we?

From page 12 to page 15 Bob describes an effect using a computer and program called "auducity"/ This looked to me like a great effect and something stellar, until I realized that it was an updated version of a trick I had read in the Linking Ring some time age. The issues parade section was all about seances and had a trick that involved a tape recorder which in essence is the same trick Bob describes only a more modern version. But where's the credit Bob? Did you forget again like you say you did when toting Mr. Osterlinds work as your own? Why won't you give credit where credit is due? Are you that full of yourself, that you can't admit when your wrong?

It was at this point, my readers that I clicked out the ebook. I lost my lunch and had to wash out my mouth. Mr. High holy Cassidy does it again and claims work as his own without crediting the originator. I just can't stand it anymore. That he sit in judgment of others while committing blatant unethical acts just is the epitome of hypocrisy. At least that's my opinion. How do you my readers see it?

Well I'll be back with more on this so called work in the future but this taste in my mouth needs something stronger than scope. So till next time, good thoughts.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well it looks like Iain Dunford, has taken down his vulgar blog, "The SH*T List". It's to bad David Eldridge and his Samaria parish, had to be hurt and implicated so badly before Iain came to his senses. It just goes to show that even, pigs can try cleaning themselves. Problem is they still smell like pigs. Till next time, good thoughts.

PS. Just one more example of how losers never win, and winners never lose. 

Monday, April 4, 2011


The so called flashback principle? Used mostly in book tests, where the first word on the left hand pages of a book, are repeated as the last word on the first line of the right side of a book. By riffling down the corner of the top of the book and allowing the spectator to call stop, the mentalist knows the word, because it's staring him in the face. Many books are printed this way and can be bought at magic shops but you can make your own just by printing the word atop the right hand page. Obviously, if you do make your own, you can't hand it out for examination. A thing you can do with the custom printed books. Just something to look for and to suspect when a mentalist won't hand you the book.

I'm posting this in anticipation, of future posts. Right now I'm just concentrating on the seance book I got from BobC, so I can review and explain some of the things in it. Till next time, good thoughts.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Diary Trick

Start by watching this; it's our old friend BobC about a million years ago, working some kind of retirement community or something? It is however an illustration of the diary trick, which is what we will be discussing today. I won't be going into detail about presentation, just watch the so called master, and I'm sure you'll get the idea. I will suggest that you do include the blah blah about cards, as it really fits in with the whole theme, and kind of justify the diary. If you want more info try this link; it has Bob's whole story and more on the video. With that, lets get back to the diary effect.

So in a previous post I told that mr.  mindreader did a thing with a pocket diary that was old and outdated. I figure that since he has seen fit to trash a fellow performer on some forums and behind the scenes, it might be a good idea to share the methoud to the trick. Well the tricks works  on a a variation of the "Koran deck" principal. This is nothing more than to have the same card repeated a number of times in a deck  so that only one of those cards can be chosen. A force of one of those cards is the basic premise at work. In the diary trick, you have two diaries one even one odd. In the even diary on every even date is placed one of your force cards in a rotation. Lets take April as an example, on the first would be an indifferent card. On the second would be a force card in my case its the 2 of spades. On the third an indifferent card. the forth another force card in my case the 3 of spades. Followed by another indifferent card on the fith. Then a force card for the sixth the four of spades. Another indifferent  card for the seventh with a force card for the eight the five of spades.

The force cards are continued on every even date in the even date book for the whole month beginning with the 2 of spades, and beginning a new every month there after. What this does is allow you to know what the card is without the spectator saying it. How? Say the spectator says June 22. You would look up Say September 22 while showing the diary and how there is a different card on each date. The same sequence is followed in the odd date book, except the force cards fall on the odd datets. They are of course the same 4 force cards, the 2,3.4, and 5 of spades. The reson these cards are used is because they can be easily recognized easaly.

Once both diary are completed depending on what date is called one of the force cards can be produced. So just to be clear, say the spectator calls for the date June 21 we would go to say Nov 21 as we show the diary to have a different card at each date. Obviously the only diary would be the odd diary we remove. If should also be obvious that the only diary the audience is aware of is the one you pull out. Another thing about the diarys that it's the type that shows a week at a glance with 3 days on the left side and four on the right.

All That's left is to reveal the card from your prediction place.  You can just have the 4 cards "indexed" in your 4 pants pockets. Or you can use double envelopes in a Himber wallet. Or just have 4 Jumbo cards in your jacket in one pocket using the step system "short cuts". Whatever you decide the trick is the same. Well there it is the famous Diary trick all wrapped up  for your amusement. I know not really worth anything since you need two diarys which are out of date anyway. Some people seem to like it (mostly magicians) and so it's presented here for you, my readers. Here is another Video of BobC much older, performing it.

Remember that soon I will be reviewing "Seance" by BobC after which I will be describing some of the effects. Till then, good thoughts and remember this is an entertainment blog full of satire and personal opinions.

Friday, April 1, 2011


So Iain says he started the other site because he is standing for truth, justice and the American way. But what he doesn't say, is that he doesn't know the person he is degrading at all, or even if that person David Samaria really exists?  Fact of the matter is anybody can say they are anybody on the internet. Poor Iain can't conceive that one may have adopted a persona, to protect ones true identity. Now I don't think this jdmagic guy is any superman, but I have met a few Clark Kents online, and I know first hand how easy it is to be someone else. Iain however can't hide his true identity as a lonely loser with no life or hope for one. He continues his trolling ways with a chip on his shoulder, probably from carrying around all his books he can't seem to sell? Whatever the guys problem? I do see him stopping soon, and taking down such a vulgar site, that is doing so much to hurt this man;

So the fire will stay fueled and since it's due to Bob Cassidy sharing information he was given in private emails, things will stay the same.

But enough about those people who to me, are just insignificant. I want to tell you, my readers, about some upcoming posts. One will deal that out of date diary test I spoke of in another post. Another will not only review a seance work given to me by the good Dr. but will also explain some of it's effects. These are just some of what's coming up in April, check back soon for all the latest and greatest news, gossip and what ever else I can find for your entertainment. Till next time. Good thoughts.


I just found this, and thought some of my readers would think it interesting. Check out what Amira says about how he started in magic. His post is second from the bottom.

A thief, who admittedly stole from others, and didn't stop until HE, started selling digital material.

You have to read a little between the lines, but I think it's quite clear what he's saying.

Who Is This Person?

Some say "she's connected to that old geyser Bob"? We don't know as others say, "Bob's taste's lead elsewhere" after all he was in the Navy as some kind of microphone specialist. (communications) To bad he didn't learn his trade very well, and might have done well to learn that "loose lips sink ships."  We're looking into Denise, to see if she really wants this guy for him, or his money and will report back when we know? Till then just know that when one breaks a trust, nothing is off limits.

As always these comments are meant as entertainment and shouldn't be taken as anything else but satire.