Friday, November 11, 2011

This is how mentalists behave with women.

Chivalry is dead, on the magic cafe message boards. In the penny for your thoughts section, a woman working on a paper for school asks a question hoping to get some help from these so called moral sexists. Problem is they didn't like how she asked. So they start their trash talking and personality bashing not ever even having met the woman. When her boyfriend tries to chime in, they bash him to. You got to love these truly mental misfits, that only seem to pat each other on the back and help sell their friends sell the latest and greatest garbage. But don't take my word for it, read for yourself. She even goes as far as to call herself a "newbie" to get some help and this is how they teat her. This is why we have to expose these a holes for what they are dumb ass redneck types who belong behind bars, not out and about the general public bilking the good people of this country out of their hard earned money. This goes for their performances as well as their products. I will continue to draw attention to this so long as these trolls continue to behave this way. Clean up you act boys or I might just be in the crowd of you next show and I'll clean it up for you.
As always you can take my words with a grain of salt or go bitch to you mom for the comfort of her bosom. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.