Sunday, November 20, 2011

A word about reconstruction?

Reconstruction, is when a spectator can deduce from what he has seen, the method used to accomplish the effect.  Some might call it deductive reasoning, logical progression, bilateral thinking but what ever the term used, they all mean the same. The point is that mentalist/magicians work extremely hard on their tricks so you can't backtrack to how they did them.  One extremely uncreative individual is now trying to capitalize on this as if he has discovered the lost city of Atlantis, when in fact it's what the truly gifted innovators of mentalism already do.

Yep you guessed it our old friend Bob C, ripping off others in the craft with his nonsense about the "logical disconnect".  He claims that this "new" approach to mentalism is the difference between a good performance and a bad one. The fact of the matter is, any good effect from any original creator, has already explored this concept. Take for example, The White Dwarf. As I have already stated there is no reason for the second envelope if in fact the first envelope is opaque. The fact that a second envelope is used, screams gimmick. Whether the first envelope is see through because of the dark marker used or because it has a hole in it, that the mentalist keeps hidden. The fact that two envelopes are used, is a dead giveaway as to the method.

So keep your money, save your cash, and know that when it comes to Dr. Crow, a shot of originality is seriously needed.  As always, these are my opinions and should be taken with some bird seed. LOL

Friday, November 18, 2011


Here is an item that is being hailed as some kind of miracle? Come on Bob, a devils napkin with grommets. It's so sad, when old age stifles creativity. LOL As always my opinions are just that, so don't get your panties all in a bunch. LOL

Friday, November 11, 2011

This is how mentalists behave with women.

Chivalry is dead, on the magic cafe message boards. In the penny for your thoughts section, a woman working on a paper for school asks a question hoping to get some help from these so called moral sexists. Problem is they didn't like how she asked. So they start their trash talking and personality bashing not ever even having met the woman. When her boyfriend tries to chime in, they bash him to. You got to love these truly mental misfits, that only seem to pat each other on the back and help sell their friends sell the latest and greatest garbage. But don't take my word for it, read for yourself. She even goes as far as to call herself a "newbie" to get some help and this is how they teat her. This is why we have to expose these a holes for what they are dumb ass redneck types who belong behind bars, not out and about the general public bilking the good people of this country out of their hard earned money. This goes for their performances as well as their products. I will continue to draw attention to this so long as these trolls continue to behave this way. Clean up you act boys or I might just be in the crowd of you next show and I'll clean it up for you.
As always you can take my words with a grain of salt or go bitch to you mom for the comfort of her bosom. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The White Dwarf.

The white dwarf is a supposed utility item that lets the mentalist gain information for the spectator using a card and two envelopes. Another one of Bob Cassidy's apparent miracles? Yeah right! LOL

The first things that draws suspicion, are the two envelopes and there obvious differences. Why is one lighter in color than the other?  Why are there two? The answers are obvious because it's how they are used in conjunction, to accomplish the effect.

What happens is after something is written on a card and it is placed face down in the first envelope (the lighter colored one) the mentalist asks the participant to seal it using the french method, he gets a full view of whatever is on the card through the envelope, just like in the trick we learned as kids called "Mystery Die". Then that envelope is sealed in the second envelope just like in the original kids trick, to throw off the spectators and to convince then that they can't see through anything.

But that's what makes the trick so obvious? If you can't see though the first envelope, why use the second? It doesn't make sense! Which is true of much of Bob's "original" work. Original ha! The only thing the guy does that's original is, spreading lies about people he doesn't know to others for no apparent reason other than his ego.

Well there you have it, another so called miracle but we know better.

As with all in this blog, these are my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Follow Up.

Some people have asked that since I wrote in a previous post that I didn't know jdmagic how can I call him friend?

Well at the time of the first writing, I didn't know him. Subsequently he contacted me and I got to liking the guy.
He speaks his mind even when he knows it will lead to controversy. Remind you of anybody? LOL Since those who try to monopolize the magic industry have seen fit to try silencing him, I'm choosing to give him a voice here. He is also very knowledgeable about magic/mentalism and may be a constant contributer to this blog.

So continue to tune in for you dose of gossip and news s it becomes known to this writer. Till then be well.

Back From The South.

Well, it's been awhile but there was more pressing problems than the full of themselves mentalists/magicians to deal with. But I"m back and a there's a whole host of things have happened, that it's time to talk about.

Seems the Magic Cafe has decided that defending oneself is a banable offense. A good friend of mine, had just gotten off ban with the site when the hurricanes hit down south. My friend jdmagic357, tried to organize a donation exchange similar to the kind Pablo Amira did but to take care of us right here at home. Well seems Lior Manor took offense to this, and for days trashed the project, with only JD defending it. Many people watched and did nothing, including contributing members and the moderating cafe staff. Eventually all the back and forth with JD was deleted, but by that time it was to late, and the damage had already been done. The project was finished. When JD got out, people accused him of never having been serious about the project to begin with, but those same hypocrites did nothing when Lior was trashing the project which had nothing to do with JD and everything to do with the victims down south. Just another example of how foreigners, hate America and Americans, but expect us to take care of them when they're in trouble. Yeah but they call JD a bad guy? You got to love the hypocrisy and downright duplicity. NOT!

Well that's all I have time for today but I'll be back soon with more, till then remember that these are my opinions. They should be viewed as satire, and taken with a grain of salt.

Friday, April 8, 2011

More Controversy.

Well it seems The Unknown Mentalist can't stay out of controversy, and why would I want to? Seems the video I posted yesterday, is half the story of a feud going on between the performer in that video Shawn Farquhar and Russ Stevens. The facts of whats going on seem to boil down to the use of Stings music in a card act. Stevens seems to think that because Farquhar used it for the posted card act after seeing an act that he (Stevens) did in some way makes him a hack? Farquhar seems to feel as though he needs to defend himself from this accusation? That seem to be what the feud is all about, and what is being talked about in online forums all over the place. Here is one place you can read about it; 

Then the conversation seems to be continued here;

I've looked at both sides, and I just don't see an issue? It's like two dancers using the same music, both do their thing to the same music. So what? It's music and so long as they have the right from sting to use it, whats the problem? Even if they didn't have the right to use it, how is that anybodies business except Stings? Just one more example of how magicians/mentalists will make mountains out of molehills. Till next time, good thoughts.